Daddy's Arms

Daddy's Arms


Smiles, smiles, smiles!

For those of you who know my three eldest children you know that they certainly are not shy about expressing their emotions or exerting an opinion.  Occasionally when they were younger, they would host a quiet friend for a play date who seemed to express neither an opinion or an emotion.  When asked about what to do, what to eat or what to play, their response would be, "I don't know."  I was always curious as to how they were able to live in a world without really having the desire to make a choice or form an opinion.  Reading an emotion in these kids was often difficult.   I didn't really know if they were having a good time or if they wished they were home.  Turns out, they were having a good time, they just don't express their emotions like we do.

Today I wish I was that child.  I wish that the overly emotional side of me could just hibernate for a bit until it's time.

Todd sent me the picture below.  For those of you on facebook you may have seen other pictures that we have posted over the last few days.  Todd and Spencer are in Haiti this week doing some work at the new creche (the old creche is moving out of Port-au-Prince to the country).  While there, they have been able to spend four days with the girls.  From the pictures you can see that every face has the most genuine smile.  Spencer is just eating those girls up!  He can't seem to get enough of them.  And the girls, especially Jaline, have taken to him so well!  

day at the beach/pool

While this indeed is happy news, it also makes me incredible sad because a goodbye is in store.  Spencer and Todd will have to leave and the girls will go back to the creche.  And we continue to wait.  I don't know what the girls know or are capable of understanding.  This is the hard part.  The little tastes of them that is only a brief visit.

However, even in this waiting and longing for them to come home, there is good that is happening!  As you can see from the pictures the girls are doing quite well.  They are eating and sleeping well.  We are thrilled that Marie Line will soon be starting school in the local village!  How healthy they look compared to earlier pictures.  Their hight and weight is just slightly below where it should be here on the American growth chart.  I have noticed that since Marie Line joined Jaline, Jaline's disposition has improved.  She is happy all the time!  The girls absolutely love to play with each other and seem to be inseparable.  From the pictures, it seems they will have no problem playing with their other siblings!

Todd was hoping to take care of some legal stuff for the adoption while they are there visiting.  If we have anything to report as far as a timeline, we will update you again through the blog.

In the meantime, pray for the hearts of my family.  We are all raw with emotion.  The pictures of them just makes the heart ache deeper.


very happy smiles!

sweet happy girls in the clothes and shoes we sent to them

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