Daddy's Arms

Daddy's Arms


Jaline sings in English!

Well, this can certainly be a discouraging process, but we are fortunate to have friends around us that help put things in perspective, even when we can’t.  I have been disappointed that things seem to have slowed down considerably and we don’t see anything happening.  Jaline’s father’s birth certificate needs to be authenticated by the Haitian Archives and that meeting is supposed to take place on March 22nd.  Once that happens, her paperwork will start to move again through the Haitian system.  Please pray for that to go smoothly and for the pace to pick up after his birth certificate is legalized. 

So, what’s the good news?  Sometimes as a parent, it’s difficult for us to see subtle changes in our children, because we see them everyday.  Yet, when someone hasn’t seen our child in a while, they often remark on how much they’ve grown or how they’ve changed. This past week, I was able to take a step back and reflect on the amazing ways God has watched over the growth of His precious child. 

We were blessed with a video that was sent to us this past week, of Jaline singing.  That’s right, the precious little girl that was so severely malnourished that I once questioned if she would live until I saw her again, was singing. Remember, this is a little girl that back in October, we wondered if she could even hear or had other significant disabilities, because she was so unresponsive and barely whispered whenever you could coax a word out of her.  However, I knew then that there was no turning back even if there would be many challenges to overcome. 

Did I mention that she is singing in English, a language that she didn’t know a word of, in late December?  Yes, our precious Jaline is singing in English!  She is learning more each day and is getting ready to come home as soon as the Lord opens that door.  Oh yeah, she throws a few motions into her songs.  As I take a step back, I look at arms that she could barely lift up a few months ago.  They’re looking quite filled out and she looks so much healthier.  She has gained over 10 pounds to add to her malnourished 15 pound frame. 

While sadness remains that she isn’t home yet, we must reflect upon the incredible progress she is making in Haiti.  As you watch the video below, you will see a tile floor, beds, toys, and the voices of ladies who are loving and caring for her until she comes home.  When I reflect upon the horrible living conditions she experienced in her old orphanage and feared each day when I wasn’t sure if she would eat, even once, or have clean water to drink, I have to take a step back and say thank you Lord.  Thank you for opening the doors you already have and for putting your arms around your precious child to preserve and protect her until she could be pulled out of those frightening conditions.  I don’t know how our Lord will use His precious Jaline, but I know her life has been preserved for powerful reasons.  However, I would be remiss if I failed to reflect upon all the precious children still in Jaline’s orphanage and countless orphanages throughout Haiti, who are still in those horrible conditions, fighting each day for love and survival.

Please enjoy the video below as Jaline sings some classics for us…in English.  She’s thrown together a little medley of “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (no turning back)”, “This Is the Day That the Lord God Made (I will rejoice and be glad in it)”, and “Jesus Loves Me”.  While I doubt she understands a lot of the words she’s singing, I can’t wait for the day when she sings these words from her heart, knowing full well what they mean as she sings them to her Father in Heaven. 


  1. Emotional video!! What a joy to see her being cared for and gaining strength. The rescue is in full motion. Praise God!!

  2. I woke up this morning feeling a little bit under the weather and this little girl put a bounce back in my step! What a true inspiration!

    May God continue to bless her and your entire family!
